No driver is needed for Windows ME /2000 /XP /Server2003 /Vista,Linux,MacOS 10 or higher.Vendor driver is required only with Windows98 /98SE.Connectors:ESATA 7-pin x1,USB2.0 Type A xl.Supports Serial-ATA(Generation1)transfer rate of 1.5Gbps.SATA device interface:Compliant with Serial-ATA1.0A specification.Supports USB2.0 High-Speed(480Mbps)and Full-Speed(12Mbps)transfer rates.USB host interface:Compliant with USB2.0 specification.Compliant with serial ATA 1.0A specifications.48 bits LBA can break capacity-LIMIT to support HDD larger than 137GB.Supports any type of SATA device (DVD DVD-RAM MO CD-RW hard disk ).